Family Business
Family businesses have a unique set of needs. As a successful multigenerational family business, Oak Road Consulting knows that family businesses face challenges and opportunities as unique as the families involved.
Our team can facilitate conversations to provide actionable insight into transition planning, legacy continuance, family and business leadership and management, and asset management. Let us help you through these complex conversations now to protect your valuable business and family relationships in the future.
Our Family Business Services include:
Once you have developed a succession plan, it is important to have rules of operations in place to ease the transition from one generation to the next.
Our consultants can help you determine these protocols, including how the business should be managed, how to talk through the next steps, and who has the authority to make decisions. Having a plan will provide stability and ensure a seamless transition that can be executed in an orderly and tension-free fashion.
Next Gen Board
Family businesses that run on a board structure eventually need to transition their seats on the board to the next generation.
Our consultants can help you develop a transition plan, ensuring the new members have the skill sets they need to be a successful board member. Board members who understand the responsibilities of serving and the need for both forward thinking and institutional knowledge are better equipped to bring value to board discussions. Equipping future members to contribute impactfully makes the transition to the next generation a successful one.
To have a lasting legacy, a business must be able to successfully transition through generations. That transition brings many challenges and is often influenced by changes in culture, technology, new ideas, and an ever-changing world.
Succession can be a sensitive topic. Oftentimes, people make assumptions instead of discussing a plan for the future of the family business. Our consultants will help you work through difficult questions and look past the emotions involved so that you can concentrate on the important conversations that make succession possible. This ensures there is successful continuity of the business from one generation to the next.